Tag Archives: handhygiene

APIC 2017 Film Festival Winner: “Look at Me Hand Hygiene”

APIC, the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, announced the winner of its seventh annual Film Festival competition. The video, “Look at Me Hand Hygiene,” was created by Providence Health & Services Alaska, and stresses proper handwashing hygiene and techniques for hospital visitors and staff.

The video was chosen for its inventiveness, originality, general appeal, significance to the infection prevention community, and educational message.

The music video highlights the importance of thorough hand washing, stressing that hands should be washed for 20-25 seconds.

It also outlines W.L.S.R.D., which is  “wet, lather, scrub, rinse, dry,” as the basic steps for hand hygiene and infection prevention.

You can view all of the video submissions on the APIC website.

Brevis has also created multiple educational videos around hand hygiene. You can see them below.

Source: http://www.infectioncontroltoday.com/news/2017/06/apic-2017-film-festival-winner-highlights-hand-hygiene-as-infection-prevention-tool.aspx



World Hand Hygiene Day 2017


May 5 is World Hand Hygiene Day. Today the World Health Organization (WHO) reminds the world to “Fight antibiotic resistance—it’s in your hands.”


Hand hygiene is at the core of effective infection prevention and control programs, and actions today serve as a reminder to continue, as well as improve, best practices in this area.


WHO is calling for health workers to clean their hands at the right times, building on hand hygiene improvement efforts made up to now. CEOs, administrators, and managers should support hand hygiene campaigns, and infection prevention and control programs.


If you work in the healthcare field, we want to hear from you. What improvements have you seen in your workplace in regards to hand hygiene? What more could be done? Please let us know on our Facebook page. And join the online conversation with WHO by using #handhygiene and #antibiotic resistance.



